Once again contracting with Anvil Media, I was tasked with editing and producing infographics for another Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) industry projections update. This time for sheep.
In the same style as the last projections (Cattle Industry Projections), this was a straight-to-camera, update from MLA’s Market Information Manager, Ben Thomas, with the infographics and a few cutaways for coverage. Being the same style I used the After Effects template as a style guide, this time building from scratch to significantly cut down render time and processing power needed, as well as allowing for a little more stylistic and timing control. One element of the video that I was particularly proud of was the report spread (at about 2:22 in) which gives the market report PDF a nice fan display and highlights the documents significance to the videos audience.

I was quite happy with the results and whilst not as popular at the Cattle Industry Projections, the video still took centre stage as feature video on MLA’s YouTube channel, sits on the MLA website and was shared via their Facebook page.