(Almost) Every Friday I close out the week with Learning Day. Not a ground-breaking concept but something I really enjoy, that keeps me on top of techniques and trends, and keeps me energised.

I have a running Trello list that every time I see a technique, a plug in or a software, or think of an idea I want to play with, I add it to the list and select one or more to bang out and fluff around with come Learning Day.
The only reason I would cancel Learning Day is for a scheduled client meeting or shoot, though I do try to avoid Fridays when arranging, or for Money Day. Money Day is a concept I learnt at the Freelancing in the Film Industry short course taught by Monica Davidson of Creative Plus Business at the now dearly departed Metro Screen.
Learning Day ends up being a light at the end of the tunnel for me. Gets the fun started ahead of the weekend, it is not stressful but still very rewarding. So far every Learning Day has offered some tip, technique or skill that has, maybe not revolutionised by work practises, but certainly invigorated them.