Produced whilst employed at IAG Research Centre for the NRMA Insurance and RACV brand this video is a guide on new laws surrounding child restraints with the legalisation of ISOFIX child restraints. It also gives guidance on installation and determining which size of restraint suits different ages and sizes of children.
A collaboration between myself and my colleague, she took on the NRMA Insurance branding and I took the RACV. Together we arranged many, many shoots around the schedules of many busy families. A big thank you goes out to everyone who assisted and let us borrow their stores, cars, selves, homes and of course, children. Knowing that working with children can be a legal minefield we were careful to make sure we educated ourselves on what we needed to supply and how we needed to schedule the shooting.
They say don’t work with children or animals, though I have to say the children were an absolute delight. The freaking restraints were the pain. Carting several of them around Sydney, along with a car full of gear, and learning on the fly how to practically install them into several cars.
Together my colleague and I wrote, storyboarded, shot, lit, animated and edited with some great results.
This work was released on YouTube on the respective brands channels. Short episodic pieces were also produced for Facebook release. Once released we found this video did very well with over 18,000 views in a couple days.

Tech Specs:
Shot on Canon DSLRs, using a combo of natural lighting and LED light panels.
Edited in Adobe Premiere Pro with graphics and animation completed in Adobe Illustrator and After Effects.
Music sourced from Audiomicro.
Voice over by Diane De Zylva.
I am in there somewhere too! Can you spot me?